Membership for States

Don't just stay informed, get involved! Membership is available at no cost to government employees who administer self-direction programs.

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Benefits of Membership for States

Membership provides insider access and coveted resources for shaping self-direction policy and programs. 

  • Opportunities to provide feedback to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of Labor (DOL), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and other federal agencies
  • Up to 2 hours of technical assistance from experts to build and improve programs
  • Monthly "Talk to the Team" confidential call-in help sessions
  • Open forum webinars to answer programmatic questions
  • Exclusive email updates covering national and state policy and program developments
  • A password-protected online library with resources, reports, and practical tools
  • Member-only webinars and training, with content recorded for download
  • Discounted consulting rated for individualized projects
  • Written resources throughout the year on special topics and emerging priorities
  • Discounted registration for the National Self-Direction Conference

Sign up today and immediately gain access to reports and resources!

Questions about Membership