Home care companies prep for industry shake-up

July 8th, 2024
New York’s home care industry is about to see significant restructuring, thanks to a push by the Hochul administration to slow Medicaid spending in the rapidly growing sector. The 2024-2025 state budget called for a consolidation of the administrative operations behind a $9 billion Medicaid program known as CDPAP, or the Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance P8rogram. Home care industry leaders who criticized the plan during budget negotiations have only ramped up their pushback now, this time with two new lobbying campaigns. The Alliance to Protect Home Care, a group formed by the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Association of New York State, launched in late June with a seven-figure broadcast and cable TV ad buy. A separate initiative, “My Health, My Caregiver,” was launched by a group of fiscal intermediaries several weeks ago with a digital ad campaign.
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